5:30 PM
Updates on ARC: R&Ds for ET, cryogenic strategies without cryo-liquids
5:31 PM
Mitigating back-scatter light with quantum-enhanced dual homodyne readout
5:32 PM
Volatile Residue of hydrocarbons in ET: a UHV chamber for CRDS at the CIRCE laboratories
5:33 PM
Signal-recycling cavity lock with a sub-carrier laser
5:34 PM
Towards the development of advanced opto-electronic components for ET: The ETICO2 laboratories
5:35 PM
Two-coloured laser light to control the Einstein Telescope
5:36 PM
A fibre-based interferometric displacement sensor for the Einstein Telescope
Johannes Bäuerlein
(Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (AEI) Hannover, Laserinterferometrie & Gravitationswellen-Astronomie)
5:37 PM
Low energy electron to actively cure frost and electrostatic charging issues in future gravitational wave detectors
Roberto Cimino
5:38 PM
Status of cryostat design for cryogenic payload suspension studies for the Einstein Telescope
5:39 PM
ETIC GEMINI @ LNGS - an underground facility to develop ET vibration control
5:40 PM
Experimental facility to measure light scattering properties: BSDF and TIS
5:41 PM
GEO 600 beam splitter Thermal Compensation System: Status and Commissioning
5:42 PM
Advanced Optics Lab @ Tor Vergata for ET (AiLoV-ET)
5:43 PM
Techniques for Cryogenic Sensing and Actuation
Tim Kuhlbusch
(RWTH Aachen University)
5:44 PM
Superconducting (inertial) sensing and actuation for cryogenic gravitational-wave detectors
5:45 PM
A digital filter method to analyze non-linear contributions to the angle-to-length noise coupling
5:46 PM
Measuring the mechanical and optical losses of coatings by an optomechanical cavity
5:47 PM
Simulation Study of the Sloshing Speedmeter
5:48 PM
White Rabbit FMC mezzanine as an interface for the new 10G WR-NIC to remote WR DAQ nodes
5:49 PM
Cryogenic interferometric inertial sensors for penultimate mirror residual vibration monitoring
5:50 PM
High resolution optical accelerometers for active vibration isolation in ETEST
Anthony Amorosi
(Université de Liège)
5:51 PM
The Magnetic Dipole Model
5:52 PM
5:53 PM
A Database for data management of superattenuator construction for GW detectors
Michele Vacatello
5:54 PM
Ultra-thin Nanolayers Coatings for gravitational wave detector
5:55 PM
Deep Learning Based Real-Time Noise Mitigation
Markus Bachlechner
(RWTH Aachen University)
Tim Kuhlbusch
(RWTH Aachen University)
5:56 PM
Demonstrating up to 20 dB of straylight suppression with tunable coherence
Daniel Voigt
(Universität Hamburg)
5:57 PM
Mitigation of non-axisymmetric optical defects for the future gravitational wave detectors
5:59 PM
High Precision, Compact Inertial Sensors
6:00 PM
Real-Time Control System: Improving Low Frequency Performance
6:01 PM
DAQ and time synchronisation in the INFN-Bologna group
6:02 PM
The Superatenuator for seismic noise suppression of the CAOS Project
6:03 PM
New data on geological investigations at Einstein Telescope site of Sardinia (Italy)
6:05 PM
Towards numerical models for seismic and Newtonian noise due to anthropogenic sources
6:06 PM
Estimating the Detection Horizon for Core-Collapse Supernovae
Timo Butz
(RWTH Aachen University)
6:07 PM
Exploring Neutrino-GW Correlations: Navigating Challenges Envisioning the ET Era
6:08 PM
The luminosity of the darkness - Schechter function in cosmological analysis with dark sirens
6:09 PM
Preliminary CFD analysis of the airflow inside base tower
6:10 PM
Modal analysis of a new possible ET base tower lay out
6:11 PM
ET test masses parameter estimations through Virtual Mirror Maps.
6:12 PM
Developments towards the cryogenic helium infrastructure for ET
6:13 PM
Alternative Concepts for the Ultra-High Vacuum Tubes
Charlotte Benning
(RWTH Aachen University)
6:14 PM
First measurements for test and characterization of the Pendulum Inverted Pendulum for ET suspensions
6:15 PM
All-polarisation beamsplitters for advanced quantum noise mitigation schemes
6:16 PM
Advancements in Rasnik readout
6:17 PM
Metallurgical aspects of the ET beampipe design
6:18 PM
Comparing Topologies of the Einstein Telescope: Advancing Sky Localization and Detector Calibration in Third-Generation Gravitational Wave Detectors