13–24 Jul 2020
Zoom Meeting
Europe/Rome timezone

Introducing Nobel Prize Physics to the Primary School: the Playing with Protons Initiative

20 Jul 2020, 10:00
2h 30m
Remote (Zoom Meeting)


Zoom Meeting


Dr Angelos Alexopoulos (Playing with Protons)Prof. Cristina Lazzeroni (University of Birmingham)Mr Ioannis Karountzos (Primary School of Vytina)Dr Mick Storr (Hon Fellow, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, UK Former Head CERN Teacher Programmes and Visits Service)Dr Stephanos Cherouvis (Ellinogermaniki Agogi)


Workshop for the introduction of Nobel Prize Physics to the primary school, based on the best practices of the Playing with Protons Initiative.

Presentation materials
