25–27 Mar 2025
IJCLab in Orsay
Europe/Rome timezone

Super-Attenuator Design Concept Integrating an Active Platform and an Inverted Pendulum

26 Mar 2025, 11:00
Building 200, room 139 (IJCLab in Orsay)

Building 200, room 139

IJCLab in Orsay


Thomas Giordano (ULiège)


This work originates from the aim of reducing the height of the 17 m suspension chain considered in the ET 2011 Conceptual Design Report and its 2020 Update. The presentation focuses on the current state of design and modelling of a candidate solution integrating both an inverted pendulum and an active platform. This key feature allows reducing the height of the seismic attenuation chain, while satisfying the requirements in terms of residual longitudinal motion of the test-mass below the ET-LF design sensitivity reaching $7.45e{-24}$ Hz$^{-1/2}$ at 3 Hz.

Primary author


Christophe Collette MOUHAMAD HAIDAR LAKKIS (University of Liege, Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Presentation materials

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