Feb 14 – 16, 2019
Perugia - Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Status of the input optics for the O3

Feb 14, 2019, 6:40 PM
Sala dei Notari (Perugia - Italy)

Sala dei Notari

Perugia - Italy

Corso Vannucci, 19 - Palazzo dei Priori Perugia - Italy
Oral presentation Instrumentation


Nakano Masayuki (ICRR)


In this talk, the status of the input optics for the O3 will be reported. The input optics is one of the subsystems in KAGRA, and the objective of the input optics is to provide the stable laser to the main interferometer.
Several in-air and in-vac optics are included in our subsystem. They stabilize the laser frequency and the intensity, reduce the beam jitter, apply the modulation needed for the main interferometer control, and clean the spatial mode of the beam. All components are installed and operated, and they will be operated with high power laser (20 W).

Primary author

Nakano Masayuki (ICRR)

Presentation materials