ET-ISB workshop (day 2)

Andreas Freise (VU Amsterdam), Gianluca Gemme (INFN)

We are aiming at a hands-on workshop in which we start by discussing together, but then also have times for small groups to work on a specific task. That will happen during the days of the workshop but also on March 30th.

We will work on the following topics:

        • Optimal mirror temperature for LF

        • Low frequency noise strategy

        • What are the facility limits?

The workshop will be held online on Zoom. Instructions for connecting are at this link.

    • 9:00 AM 11:00 AM
      Parallel session 1: Mirror temperature
      Conveners: Fulvio Ricci (University of Rome 'La Sapienza' and INFN), Steffen Grohmann (KIT)
    • 9:00 AM 11:00 AM
      Parallel session 2: Low frequency noise
      Conveners: Conor Mow-Lowry (VU Amsterdam), Francesco Fidecaro (University of Pisa and INFN)
    • 9:00 AM 11:00 AM
      Parallel session 3: Facility limits
      Conveners: Maria Marsella (University of Rome 'La Sapienza'), Stefan Hild (Maastricht University)
    • 11:00 AM 11:15 AM
      Break 15m
    • 11:15 AM 12:15 PM
      Joint session: Summaries from the parallel sessions
      Conveners: Andreas Freise (VU Amsterdam), Gianluca Gemme (INFN)
    • 12:15 PM 1:00 PM
      Joint session: Discussion
      Conveners: Andreas Freise (VU Amsterdam), Gianluca Gemme (INFN)