Jun 8 – 9, 2022
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Åbo Akademi University, Agora Building
Europe/Helsinki timezone

In this conference we follow two objectives related to our g2net COST Action. First, we hold a workshop focused on the combined research activities of workgroups 2 (WG2) and 3 (WG3). Second, we hold our 6th Management Committee (MC) meeting.

WG2 deals with acquisition, processing and interpretation of seismic data, with the goal of combating the seismic influences at GW detector sites. WG3 aims to improve the GW detectors’ feedback-control systems as well as the feed-forward cancellation of noise. Both workgroups focus on machine learning (ML) techniques to achieve their objectives, taking into consideration multiple taks:

  • Nonstationary signal analysis, deep learning for seismic time series, Newtonian noise detection and seismic sensor arrays, probabilistic robotics for seismology and GW detection for WG2
  • ML for glitch removal, Newtonian noise cancellation with ML, data preprocessing with reinforcement learning, deep learning for noise removal and laser cavity control to optimise locking time and stability for WG3

The conference is organised as a hybrid event in Turku, Finland during June 8-9, 2022.  The WG2-3 workshop takes place on June 8 and the MC meeting takes place on June 9. More precise scheduling is available in the timetable.

The zoom link for June 8 (WG2-3 workshop) is here https://aboakademi.zoom.us/j/68114732505, if you are joining us online.

The zoom link for June 9 (6th MC meeting) is here https://aboakademi.zoom.us/j/68751643078, if you join us online.

We organise a dinner on June 8 at the Vikings restaurant as well as a 4h-boat trip through the archipelago on June 9 (starting at 6 pm until 10 pm; it's the "white" nights then, so it will be daylight until 11pm anyway). A map with the conference venue, the dinner restaurant and the boat's leaving place is here.

The corona restrictions are very mild, please check here the current recommendations.

Registration is open starting on April 1, 2022. Please indicate whether you plan to participate online or in-person, as well as if you'd like to take part in the boat trip.

For accommodation, you could check the booking sites, at Booking.com, Trivago, E-bookers, Hotels.com, Expedia.

For travelling and information about Turku, the official tourist information website is quite comprehensive. Information about arriving and getting around is, for instance, summarised here. There is no Uber in Finland, but information about taxis can be found at the previous link.

Faculty of Science and Engineering, Åbo Akademi University, Agora Building
Vesilinnantie 5, 20500 Turku, Finland
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