9:00 AM
Commissioning of Extreme Performance Optical Coatings testbed (EPOC) by the Strathclyde/Glasgow/UWS groups for ET-LF optics
Stuart Reid
(SUPA, University of Strathclyde)
9:15 AM
Current status and goals of CoMET
Giacomo Ciani
Marco Bazzan
9:30 AM
Upgrade of the LMA infrastructure and mirrors update from Lyon's site
Jerome Degallaix
(Laboratoire des Matéraux Avancés)
9:45 AM
Scattered light in the arms for the vacuum pipe design
Mario Martinez
10:00 AM
Unresolved aspects of simulating squeezed quantum noise
Mikhail Korobko
(University of Hamburg)
10:15 AM
Inertial test bed for suspension local displacement sensors at University of Hamburg
Oliver Gerberding
(Universität Hamburg, Institut für Experimentalphysik)
10:30 AM
Magnetic noise: ET mitigation plan, capitalizing on Virgo lessons
Irene Fiori
(European Gravitational Observatory)
10:45 AM
Passive magnetic shielding for test-mass towers
Federico Armato
(PhD student, University of Genova / INFN Genova)