Mar 4 – 5, 2024
European Gravitational Observatory
Europe/Rome timezone

A key objective of the AHEAD 2020 networking activities for the synergies between the Gravitational Wave and High Energy Astrophysics communities is to organize an European scientific network including geoscience observatories.

This workshop is the final of a series of events organized in the years 2020, 2021 and 2022 to discuss the roadmap of the convergence and the preparation of the future steps.

There is no fee for participation. The workshop will be held in hybrid format, with participation in presence at the European Gravitational Observatory and remote connection with Zoom.

Scientific Organizing Committee: Francesca Badaracco, Marica Branchesi, Massimo Carpinelli, Elena Cuoco, Irene Fiori, Jan Harms, Michele Punturo.


ZOOM Coordinates: ZOOM link, meeting ID and Passcode will be shared only with registered participants by e-mail.

European Gravitational Observatory
Via E. Amaldi,5 56021 Cascina (PI) - Italy
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