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Action description

The breakthrough discovery of gravitational waves on September 14, 2015 was made possible through synergy of techniques drawing from expertise in physics, mathematics, information science and computing.  At present, there is a rapidly growing interest in Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), classification problems, data mining and visualization and, in general, in the development of new techniques and algorithms for efficiently handling the complex and massive data sets found in what has been coined "Big Data", across a broad range of disciplines, ranging from Social Sciences to Natural Sciences. The rapid increase in computing power at our disposal and the development of innovative techniques for the rapid analysis of data will be vital to the exciting new field of Gravitational Wave (GW) Astronomy, on specific topics such as control and feedback systems for next-generation detectors, noise removal, data analysis and data-conditioning tools.The discovery of GW signals from colliding binary black holes (BBH) and the likely existence of a newly observable population of massive, stellar-origin black holes, has made the analysis of low-frequency GW data a crucial mission of GW science. The low-frequency performance of Earth-based GW detectors is largely influenced by the capability of handling ambient seismic noise suppression. This Cost Action aims at creating a broad network of scientists from four different areas of expertise, namely GW physics, Geophysics, Computing Science and Robotics, with a common goal of tackling challenges in data analysis and noise characterization for GW detectors.
EGO Auditorium
European Gravitational Observatory, Via E. Amaldi 56021 S. Stefano a Macerata - Cascina (PI), Italy.

The COST Conference and the MC General Meeting will be held at EGO (European Gravitational Observatory), Cascina.

You will have to arrange your accommodation personally and to cover the expenses for travel, hotel and lunches/dinners (only Action Participants entitled to reimbursement will be able to ask for refund of expenses, in accordance to the COST Rules and Guidelines). 
You will pay the lunches (price TBD). You will not pay any fee.

A shuttle service is foreseen every day, from the Saint Maria of Spina Church, Pisa, to the EGO site (round trip). Here it is the map from the Hotel Bologna to the church. We recommend that you book a hotel in Pisa (we often suggest the first one you can find in the "Travel and living information" section).
If you will use your own means of transport to reach the EGO site, please visit the following link to know how to arrive: