12–15 Nov 2024
ADN conference center
Europe/Warsaw timezone

MADDEN and ETAP, two cascading grants of OSCARS first open call.

Not scheduled
ADN conference center

ADN conference center

ADN Conference Center Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. Browary Warszawskie Grzybowska 56 Street (entrance B) 00-844 Warsaw https://ckadn.pl/en/
Talk EIB Parallel


Andres Tanasijczuk (Universite catholique de Louvain) Federica Legger Lia Lavezzi (INFN Torino) Paul Laycock


In the last decade, the concept of Open Science has gained traction: there is a real effort to make tools shareable among different communities on dedicated platforms and great attention is given to the so-called FAIRness of data, i.e. data must be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.
OSCARS (Open Science Cluster’s Action for Research and Society) is an European project that promotes this endeavour and aims to consolidate past achievements of the Science Clusters (Humanities and Social Sciences, Life Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Photon and Neutron Science, Astronomy, Nuclear and Particle Physics) into lasting interdisciplinary FAIR data services and working practices.
The first Open Call for cascading grants was published in March 2024 and we applied with two proposals, MADDEN and ETAP, to bring an input from Einstein Telescope to the development of common tools. Both projects were successfully funded.
MADDEN (Multi-RI Access and Discovery of Data for Experiment Networking​) is dedicated to the tool used for data distribution and management, Rucio. It has three main objectives: build a multi-RI Data Lake managed with Rucio, develop and test RucioFS, a tool to provide a POSIX-like view of the Rucio catalogue in a multi-RI environment, extend RucioFS to support advanced querying capabilities using Rucio metadata.​
ETAP (Einstein Telescope Analysis Portal​) is dedicated to the improvement of the analysis side. The main objectives are: deploy the CERN ESCAPE VRE (Virtual Research Environment) at the University of Geneva and add multi-RI Rich Metadata Services from the HEP Software Foundation (HSF) and a flexible computing resource monitoring service.
Both projects are planned to start by the beginning of 2025 and are strongly linked as ETAP VRE will be connected to the multi-RI Data Lakes from MADDEN.
In this talk we will describe the timeline for these projects, how they will be used by the EiB to help define the ET Computing Model, and how we will need ET scientists to help test these tools with their MDC analyses.

Primary authors

Andres Tanasijczuk (Universite catholique de Louvain) Federica Legger Lia Lavezzi (INFN Torino) Paul Laycock

Presentation materials

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