6–10 May 2024
Europe/Rome timezone

Crystalline oxides for mirror coatings

8 May 2024, 11:35
Room 2.2 (MECC)

Room 2.2


Presentation Instrument Science Board (ISB) ISB


In this presentation, the progress towards the realisation of crystalline oxide mirror coatings is reviewed.

Cr2O3 films on Al2O3 is our initial crystalline oxide model system where the relationship between the structural, optical and mechanical properties is investigated. Specifically the role of a lattice mismatch of about 5% on these properties will be reported.

In a second part, the roadmap for the growth of larger area coatings with the new 300 mm molecular beam epitaxy system - that has recently been installed - will be presented.

Primary author

Jean-Pierre Locquet


Alberto Binetti (KU Leuven) Claudio Bellani (KU Leuven) Wei-Fan Hsu (KU Leuven) Simon Mellaerts (KU Leuven) Koen Schouteden (KU Leuven) Prof. Maria Seo (KU Leuven)

Presentation materials