6–10 May 2024
Europe/Rome timezone

Superconducting (inertial) sensing and actuation for cryogenic gravitational-wave detectors

7 May 2024, 17:30
1h 30m


Poster Instrument Science Board (ISB) Posters


Einstein Telescope features a cryogenic design and aims to be sensitive to gravitational waves down to 3 Hz. Methods to apply low-vibration cryogenic cooling of the mirrors in a cryostat to lower thermal noise are currently investigated in research facilities. New (inertial) sensors an such as described here are necessary to monitor the lower cryogenic stages as the application of heat links could introduce spurious vibrations close to the mirror. In addition, heat loads by resistive elements such as coils in coil-magnet actuators can be reduced when using superconducting actuators.

Primary author

Dr Joris van Heijningen (VU Amsterdam)

Presentation materials