g2net WG3 online workshop on Machine Learning for Advanced Control Techniques

Luigia Petre is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: WG3's online workshop 22-23 March 2021 Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join Zoom Meeting https://aboakademi.zoom.us/j/67901134223 Meeting ID: 679 0113 4223 Join by SIP 67901134223@ 67901134223@ Join by H.323 Meeting ID: 679 0113 4223
Andrea Chincarini, Luigia Petre (Åbo Akademi University)

WG3 explores the use of Machine Learning (ML) techniques in the control and noise mitigation strategies of scientific experiments, specifically for Gravitational Wave (GW) detectors. GW detectors, both those currently running and those foreseen to be spaceborne, are uniquely complex instruments with specific and new challenges in terms of control and noise issues. These challenges call for significant adaptation and ingenuity in the ML approaches, which are seldom used as textbook cases and are often coupled with simulations and burden with heavy experimental constraints. These developments need diverse expertise and interaction, which is the benefit of the current COST action. This working group’s goal is to develop ML algorithms as part of the detectors’ feedback-control systems as well as for the feed-forward cancellation of noise.

In this workshop we address the following WG3’s tasks:

• Laser cavity control to optimise locking time and stability
• ML for glitch removal 
• Deep learning for noise removal
• Newtonian noise cancellation with ML
• Data preprocessing with reinforcement learning

The workshop is organised ONLINE over two days, namely 22-23 March 2021, so that it accommodates both European and American participants. We will delve into the first three WG3 tasks in detail, with the help of the following invited presentations:

• Dr. Diego Bersanetti (INFN, Italy) "Interferometer Cavities: locking strategies and improvement possibilities"
• Dr. Fiodor Sorrentino (INFN, Italy) "Sqeezed light benches and optical alignment issues"
• Prof. Marco Cavaglia (Missouri Univeristy of Science and Technology, US) "Glitch removal in ground-based gravitational-wave interferometric detectors"
• Dr. Gabriele Vajente (Caltech, US) “Non stationary noise removal from LIGO data”

These speakers will also oversee a round table discussion on each of their topics, mainly on investigating the machine learning potential in their topics, but also discussing other topics of interest.

We encourage the submission of short contributions and/or posters on all five WG3 tasks mentioned above by everyone interested, in particular the WG3 members. These contributions could be original or  already submitted/accepted/presented/published elsewhere.

We encourage communication and cooperation, especially during this pandemic-driven period, when we seldomly travel anymore and online conferences are attended by small audiences only. 

Please send your title and abstract in advance, by March 15, to either/both Luigia and Andrea (lpetre@abo.fi, andrea.chincarini@ge.infn.it).


  • Andrea Chincarini
  • Andrei Utina
  • Bas Swinkels
  • Conor Muldoon
  • Daniel Brown
  • Didier Verkindt
  • Diego Bersanetti
  • Elena Cuoco
  • Francesca Badaracco
  • Francesco Di Renzo
  • Francesco Maria Fabbri
  • Gabriele Vajente
  • Giacomo Bruno
  • Iara Tosta e Melo
  • Isabel Cordero-Carrión
  • Jacopo Talpini
  • Joris van Heijningen
  • Luca Rei
  • Luigia Petre
  • Marco Cavaglia
  • Massimiliano Razzano
  • Monica Seglar-Arroyo
  • Ondřej Zelenka
  • Paul Boniol
  • Priyanka Giri
  • Qitong Wang
  • Rob Walet
  • Themis Palpanas
  • Tomislav Andric
  • Wathela Alhassan
  • Yan Zhang
Luigia Petre
    • 1
      Welcome and Introduction
      Speakers: Andrea Chincarini, Luigia Petre (Åbo Akademi University)
    • 2
      Controls in Advanced Virgo: from Lock Acquisition to Lock Losses

      The recording of Diego's talk is here:

      Relevant papers on the global controls of the Virgo experiment for the O2 and the O3 runs:
      - Guided Lock in Advanced Virgo: https://epjplus.epj.org/articles/epjplus/abs/2018/02/13360_2018_Article_11920/13360_2018_Article_11920.html

      • Virgo Longitudinal Controls in Virgo for O2:

      • Interferometer Sensing and Control in Virgo for O3:

      • Etalon Control in Virgo during O3:

      Speaker: Diego Bersanetti (INFN Genova)
    • 10:00
      Coffee break
    • 3
      ROUND TABLE: ML for Cavity locking?
      Speaker: Diego Bersanetti (INFN Genova)
    • 11:30
    • 4
      Surrogate Wiener filtering for the prediction and optimized cancellation of Newtonian noise at Virgo

      The recording of Francesca's presentation is here:

      Advanced Virgo+ will enhance its sensitivity for the upcoming run, O4. This means that Newtonian noise might dominate in the low-frequency band. Fo this reason, it is critical working to reduce it as well. This will be achieved through active noise cancellation. It is of fundamental importance to understand how to optimally deploy an array of seismic sensors dedicated to active noise cancellation. This talk will present a new technique that allows us to use existent seismic data to construct a surrogate Wiener filter model bypassing all the difficulties related to the computational effort required by the task.

      Speaker: Francesca Badaracco
    • 5
      The experiment of the table top interferometer

      The recording of Rob's presentation is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7t0pb0qfjrs6ytc/rob.mp4?dl=0

      Speaker: Rob Walet (Nikhef National Institute for Sub Atomic Physics)
    • 14:15
      Afternoon break
    • 6
      Non stationary noise removal from LIGO data

      The recording of Gabriele's presentation is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/d7p9naimzseui5n/gabriele.mp4?dl=0

      Speaker: Gabriele Vajente (LIGO Laboratory Caltech)
    • 16:45
      Coffee break
    • 7
      ROUND TABLE: ML for Noise removal?

      The recording of the roundtable discussion on ML for noise removal is here:

      Speaker: Gabriele Vajente (LIGO Laboratory Caltech)
  • Tuesday 23 March
    • 8
      Squeezed light benches and optical alignment issues

      The recording of Fiodor's presentation is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/onk1zryn24s51us/fiodor.mp4?dl=0

      Speaker: Fiodor Sorrentino
    • 09:45
      Coffee break
    • 9
      ROUND TABLE: ML for Squeezed light benches?

      The recording of the roundtable on ML for squeezed light benches is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vzq1ngpy9zmkvm8/fiodor%20roundtable.mp4?dl=0

      Speaker: Fiodor Sorrentino
    • 11:15
    • 13:45
      Coffee break
    • 10
      Glitch removal in ground-based gravitational-wave interferometric detectors

      The recording of Marco's presentation and roundtable discussion is here:

      Speaker: Prof. Marco Cavaglia
    • 15:45
      Coffee break
    • 11
      ROUND TABLE: ML for Glitch removal?
      Speaker: Prof. Marco Cavaglia
    • 12
      Closing remarks

      The recording of this short session is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4mzjd27bscn17qm/SchoolAndClosing.mp4?dl=0

      Speakers: Andrea Chincarini, Luigia Petre (Åbo Akademi University)